10 May 2023
"La última lidia" in theatres

The documentary film "La última lidia" will have be released on May 12th the 12th thanks to the distribution company Moon Entertainment in Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Valladolid, Isla Antilla, Bormujos, Valdepeñas and Tomelloso.
Starring the Málaga bullfighter Saúl Jiménez Fortes and the fighting bull Tabacalero, and directed by three-time Emmy winner Tomás Ocaña, "La última lidia" has Ismael Morillo as assistant director and Adolfo Moreno as co-creator and scriptwriter.
Writers such as Rosa Montero and Mario Vargas Llosa share their opposing views with livestock farmers, veterinarians, journalists, bullfighting chroniclers and animal activists in an unprecedented work that seeks to give voice to all points of view in a balanced and objective way, leaving it up to the viewer to make his or her own judgement.
With this theatrical release, the documentary begins its commercial career after its world premiere at the last Spanish Film Festival in Málaga, reaching several Spanish cities and will soon reach more locations.
A documentary by Capa España (Grupo iZen) that for the first time brings together the defenders and detractors of the world of bullfighting, seeking to achieve a photograph with all the nuances that the world of bullfighting has brought from centuries ago to the present day.
Dates and cinemas:
May 12th-19th:
- SEVILLA (Cines CineZon)
- BORMUJOS - SEVILLA (Cines Al-Andalus)
- ISLA ANTILLA - HUELVA (Multicines La Dehesa)
- TOMELLOSO - CIUDAD REAL (Multicines La Dehesa)
- VALDEPEÑAS - CIUDAD REAL (Multicines Valdepeñas)
May 12th:
- BARCELONA (Cines Gran Sarria)
May 12th, 23rd and 30th:
- VALLADOLID (Cines Broadway)
May 22nd-25th:
- VALENCIA (Multicines ABC Park)
From May 25th:
- ANTEQUERA (Cines La Verónica)
May 26th-28th:
- SALAMANCA (Cines Juventud)